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Kako se testirati za SIBO

Kaj je SIBO?

SIBO pomeni prekomerno rast bakterij v tankem črevesu in se pojavi, ko normalne bakterije na koncu živijo v prevelikem številu v tankem črevesu, kar povzroči opustošenje. Ocenjuje se, da povprečno 60 % vseh sindromov razdražljivega črevesja dejansko povzroča SIBO, pri čemer ima do 84 % bolnikov s IBS SIBO v eni študiji. Več o SIBO si lahko preberete v našem Kaj morate vedeti o SIBO Članek. V tem članku si ogledamo, kaj je test SIBO, kako se testirati in kdaj bi morali razmisliti o ponovnem testiranju zanj.

Kaj je SIBO test?

Ko občutite napihnjenost, drisko, zaprtje, bolečine v trebuhu ali kakršne koli simptome SIBO, je pomembno, da opravite test SIBO. SIBO je lahko kronično in pogosto zapleteno stanje za zdravljenje. Zato je pred začetkom kakršnega koli zdravljenja pomembno, da se najprej testirate. To je zato, ker želimo vedeti, ali vaše simptome povzroča SIBO, in če da, kakšno vrsto SIBO imate.

Dobra novica je, da obstaja več načinov za testiranje na SIBO:dihalni test SIBO in jejunalni aspirat.

Kdo naj se testira za SIBO?

Če imate IBS , kronične težave s trebuhom, celiakijo, Crohnovo bolezen ali ulcerozni kolitis, bi morda želeli razmisliti o testiranju na SIBO. Za SIBO je na voljo vrsta možnosti zdravljenja , in ugotavljanje njegove prisotnosti odpira možnosti za lajšanje povezanih simptomov. Dobra novica je, da obstaja nekaj različnih načinov testiranja, ki jih raziskujemo spodaj.

Kako se testirati za SIBO

SIBO je trenutno mogoče testirati z več metodami, vključno z dihalnim testom in jejunalnim aspiratom.

Preizkus dihanja SIBO

SIBO dihalni test je neinvaziven, enostaven za izvedbo, lahko ga opravite doma ali v kliniki in je najpogostejša metoda za testiranje na SIBO. Deluje tako, da meri vodik in/ali metan v izdihanem zraku v določenih časovnih presledkih, v določenem časovnem obdobju, potem ko oseba popije raztopino sladkorja (laktulozo ali glukozo). Lahko rešete ta brezplačen spletni kviz za določitev verjetnosti prisotnosti SIBO pred naročilom testa.

Oseba se šteje za pozitivno na vodikov SIBO, če se v prvih 100 minutah poveča za 20 ppm (delov na milijon) glede na najnižjo predhodno vrednost.

Oseba se šteje za pozitivno na metan SIBO, če se v prvih 100 minutah poveča za 12 ppm glede na najnižjo predhodno vrednost.

Če pride do porasta v 100–120 minutah za vodik ali metan, se to šteje za mejni rezultat.

Nekateri bolniki imajo visoke izhodiščne ravni. Nekateri zdravniki to razlagajo kot pozitiven rezultat testa. Pri metanu SIBO to še posebej velja, saj sta visoka izhodiščna vrednost in zgodnji dvig standarden vzorec metana. Nepravilna priprava je lahko indicirana, ko ravni plina padejo po povišani izhodiščni vrednosti in se v prvih dveh urah še naprej znižujejo ali ostanejo nizke.

Priprava na dihalni test SIBO

Za zanesljivost rezultatov dihalnega testa SIBO je treba upoštevati naslednje.

En mesec prej: Brez kolonoskopije, študij barija, debelega črevesa ali uporabe antibiotikov.

En teden prej: Ustavite vse probiotike, izdelke, ki vsebujejo probiotike (npr. jogurt, fermentirana živila), zeliščna protimikrobna zdravila.

En dan prej: Prenehajte z odvajali, prebavnimi pripomočki (npr. encimi, klorovodikova kislina), nebistvenimi dodatki. Sledite pripravljalni dieti in 12-urnemu postu.

Predieta za pripravo na dihalni test SIBO in 12-urni post

24 ur pred začetkom testiranja je treba slediti preprosti dieti z nizko vsebnostjo fermentacijskih ogljikovih hidratov in vlaknin. Če ima oseba zaprtje, mora slediti dieti 48 ur.

Vsak laboratorij ima nekoliko drugačna dovoljena živila, vendar običajno vključujejo jajca, bele ribe, piščanca, purana, beli riž, trdi star sir, jajca, bistro mesno juho (brez kosti in zelenjave), olivno in kokosovo olje za kuhanje, sol in poper za začimbo, šibek črni čaj in kavo ter navadno vodo. Če pred testiranjem ne dobite prehranskih navodil, priporočamo, da se obrnete na ustanovo, da potrdite, kaj potrebujejo, da ne boste nenamerno izkrivili rezultatov.

Poleg diete je potreben 12-urni post tik pred testiranjem, da se hrana omogoči prehod skozi tanko črevo in ostane relativno prazno.

24 ur pred testiranjem bi lahko izgledalo takole:

1. dan:

7 zjutraj: Umešana jajca s skodelico šibkega črnega čaja ali kave.

10:00: Skodelica tople mesne juhe.

13:00: Ribji file na žaru z jasminom ali rižem basmati.

16.00: Skodelica juhe iz mesne juhe in riža jasmina ali basmati.

19:00: Piščanec na žaru z jasminom ali rižem basmati.

19.30 - 7.30: Ni hrane. Samo voda.

2. dan: 

6.30 do konca testa: Brez kajenja (ali pasivnega kajenja), brez telovadbe, brez spanja. Zobe si lahko umivate kot običajno.

7.30 – 10.30: SIBO dihalni test. Med preskusnim oknom lahko srkate majhne količine navadne vode.

10.30 naprej: Nadaljujte jesti kot običajno.

"Opravljanje dihalnega testa SIBO mi je dalo malo misli. Dobiti diagnozo SIBO je pomenilo, da sem končno vedel, kaj je narobe z mojim črevesjem. Moj zdravnik je imel pripravljen načrt in začeli smo takojšnje zdravljenje. Končno sem bil na poti k okrevanju po izčrpavajočih črevesnih simptomih.

Rebecca Coomes

Preizkus dihanja SIBO je ljudem po vsem svetu dal priložnost, da dobijo odgovore na to, kaj se dogaja v njihovem črevesju.


  • Preprosto za izvedbo

  • Ugodno

  • Relativno hitro narejeno (3 ure)

  • Hitro dobite rezultate

  • Najpogostejši diagnostični test SIBO

  • Lahko diagnosticira vodik in metan SIBO


  • Ni primerno za ljudi, ki ne znajo pihati v cev

  • Ne morem diagnosticirati vodikovega sulfida SIBO

  • Raztopina sladkorja lahko začasno poslabša simptome

  • Lactulose is a prescription item in the US

  • Glucose only measures SIBO in first 3 feet of small intestine

  • Requires proper preparation, fasting for 12 hours and 3 hours to do the test

  • May provide false negative and false positive results in some patients due to improper preparation or other conditions affecting gut transit time

Want to learn more about SIBO breath testing? Listen to my podcast interview with Eric Hamilton from QuinTron Instrument Company, the leading manufacturers of the SIBO breath testing equipment.

Jejunal Aspirate

An aspirate can be taken from the second part of the small intestine.  This can be performed by an endoscopy in-clinic, generally under anaesthesia or sedation.  A sample is taken and the culture is grown to determine what bacteria are present.

This test is invasive, costly and difficult to find because it requires a highly skilled medical professional to undertake the test.  For these reasons, it is not commonly used.

It can also produce false-negative results if the bacterial overgrowth is further down the small intestine, where the sample hasn't come from, if the sample size was too small, or if the bacteria that was collected can't be cultured.

Preparing for the Jejunal Aspirate

Your doctor's office will have specific instructions for preparing for a jejunal aspirate, but they may be similar to the SIBO breath test prep.


  • Considered gold standard by some practitioners


  • Invasive

  • Expensive

  • Requires sedation or anaesthetic

  • Time consuming

  • Requires a gastroenterologist to perform procedure

  • Greater risks as a medical procedure

  • Can produce false negative and positives results

What Doesn't Test For SIBO?

Stool Testing

Stool testing can be very informative about a person's large intestine health and their broader GI health. It can show if there are imbalances or pathogenic organisms. However, it cannot diagnose SIBO as by its very nature, the stool test cannot determine where the bacterial overgrowth is occurring.  The overgrowth could be from the large intestine, the small intestine or both.

If it is not possible for a person to undertake a breath test, such as for very young children who cannot blow into a tube, this can be a good indicative starting point until a breath test can be taken.

Urine Organic Acids Test

Bacteria and fungus produce organic acids which are excreted in your urine.  A urine organic acids test measures the level of organic acids that you have excreted, giving you an indication that you may have a yeast or bacterial overgrowth somewhere in your body.

However, like the stool test, it is unable to pinpoint exactly where the overgrowth is occurring, and for this reason, cannot be used to definitively diagnose SIBO.

The Future Of SIBO Testing

Researchers and breath test manufacturers are working on a commercially suitable test for Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO, which should be available in the coming years. There may also be exciting developments with the use of smart devices, which are swallowed and can take samples along the entire length of the small intestine tract.

What To Do Next?

A positive SIBO test means you either have hydrogen, methane, or suspected hydrogen sulfide SIBO. The next step is to find a practitioner who is experienced in treating SIBO. A SIBO specialist will recommend a course of treatment based on what SIBO you have, what type of treatment you feel most comfortable with and what they clinically see delivers the best results. There are 3 current SIBO treatment protocols:antibiotics, herbal antimicrobials and the Elemental Diet.

Nekateri bolniki potrebujejo le eno od treh možnosti zdravljenja, da si opomorejo od SIBO. Vendar je za dve tretjini ljudi SIBO kronična, ponavljajoča se bolezen in zahteva se več krogov enega ali vseh treh razpoložljivih zdravljenj.

Remember, no two people are the same. We’re all on different journeys so you need to make sure that you’re with the right practitioner who helps you to understand your condition, and who has the expertise and a depth of knowledge required to treat SIBO.

Should You Re-Test For SIBO?

If, after a round of treatment, you don't feel a noticeable improvement, then it may be worth considering re-testing for SIBO. This can provide your practitioner with useful information, such as whether the treatment was effective, which gas(es) is still present and what treatments should be utilised next.

However, it is important to remember that a person is more than their SIBO test results. How you feel is more important than what a test result says. If you feel better, that is a more important metric to hold onto.  I have had many SIBO coaching clients who have tested positive for SIBO, yet feel remarkably better than when they first started treatment.

If you found this article on how to get tested for SIBO helpful, I would love to hear your thoughts. Simply leave a comment in the comments section below.

"I have chronic, relapsing SIBO. I listen to my body and let it guide me with symptoms. I re-test for SIBO on occasion when I want information on whether I have hydrogen, methane or both, what my gas levels are like, and what treatment I need to consider. I let my body tell me how I am actually feeling, not a test result.

Rebecca Coomes

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